by Charles L. Chen
August 5, 2007
ver. 1.0

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Changes

1. Introduction

CLC STAR allows users to easily setup preferences for how they want pages presented to them in Firefox. Features include:

Click here to see a screenshot that compares what a page looks like with CLC STAR off and on using CLC STAR's default options. CLC STAR is designed to work with Fire Vox and CLiCk, Speak; however, it is a standalone extension that can function by itself. The code for CLC STAR is open source and is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL.

2. Installation

CLC STAR can be installed in the same way as any other Firefox extension. It is compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux.

  1. Download and save this file: clc_star_v1.0_release.xpi
  2. Start Firefox and go to "File", "Open File".
  3. Find clc_star_v1.0_release.xpi on your computer, select it, click "Open".
  4. The extension installation screen will appear. Click "Install" and restart Firefox when prompted.

3. Usage

To configure CLC STAR, in Firefox, go to "Tools", "CLC STAR Options". Please note that your changes will take not take effect until the next page load.

To enable/disable CLC STAR, in Firefox, go to "Tools", "CLC STAR Enabled". Clicking here will cause "CLC STAR Enabled" to become checked/unchecked. Enabling/disabling CLC STAR will cause the page to be reloaded.

If you would like to have a button for enabling/disabling CLC STAR, in Firefox, go to "View", "Toolbars", "Customize". You will find two CLC STAR buttons - one is a regular sized button and the other is an extra large button. Decide which button would work best for you, then drag and drop it to where you want it to be. Click "Done". Now when you click on this button, it will enable/disable CLC STAR. When CLC STAR is disabled, the star will be blue on a transparent background; when it is enabled, it will be yellow on a black background. Enabling/disabling CLC STAR will cause the page to be reloaded.

4. Changes